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Do I have to want to be a professional dancer in order to dance at North Ballet?

At North Ballet Academy, all students are welcome to train- whether aspiring professional, young dancer, or recreationally focused.  We recognize that not all students aspire to become professionals, however all students at North Ballet Academy will be given the opportunity to train like one through excellent, professional instruction and performing opportunities. 


Why am I placed in a different level at North Ballet than I was placed in at another ballet school?

Currently, each ballet school has the freedom to create their own training syllabus, and thus personalize the goals and training content to align not only to the surrounding culture, but also to the specific students, and instructors, at their school.  Therefore, a Level 3 technique class at School A may be operating off of a completely different set of mastery skills than a Level 3 technique class at School B just down the street. Both schools may be based on the same method of training but have created a syllabus that progresses differently from one another. 

Why do you base classes on a syllabus?

North Ballet Academy instructs, and trains students based on an eight-level ballet syllabus, created specifically for the goals and training program established at North Ballet Academy. Working off of a syllabus is done so that instructors can instruct students with clear direction toward goals, and ultimate mastery of syllabus content.  The syllabus at North Ballet Academy is based off of a notated and progressive training program that has produced some of the best dancers in the world, including Anna Pavlova, Natalia Makarova, Mikhail Baryshnikov, the legendary choreographer George Balanchine, and professional dancers in almost every company in the world.

Through the North Ballet Academy Syllabus, North Ballet provides our students with consistent and effective guidance through the syllabus; providing students with the proper training at each level in order to master syllabus content.  Once syllabus content is mastered at one level, they will, then, be successful at subsequent levels; similar to how a student learning fifth grade math will be more successful in sixth grade math only after they have mastered the fifth grade math content.



Why do I have to attend classes so frequently during the week, and also in the summer?

Just as musicians need to have daily practice of their musical skills, so too do ballet students.  It is with repetition, correction from instructors, and synchronicity with other students that the mastery of ballet can occur.  Ballet is a special art form; a unique field of athleticism, which requires specialized space, flooring, instruction, and music.  As students at North Ballet increase in their ability (and thus class level), their time commitment on a weekly basis also increases.  For students desiring to devote less time to their studies on a weekly basis, we offer a convenient Flex Program option.  This provides students with the ability to choose their classes “a la carte” in order to achieve their own personal goals with their study of ballet.  Please contact the Front Desk to personalize your own Flex Program at North Ballet Academy.  For students desiring to devote more time to their ballet studies so that they can progress more quickly through the syllabus, and to gain more experiences (such as Pas de Deux), North Ballet offers the Professional Program.  While this program is not exclusive to those who desire to become professional, it does provide students with everything they would need to become a successful ballet professional. Please contact the Front Desk to determine your eligibility for the Professional Program offerings at North Ballet Academy.


Ballet Bun Instructional Video

How to make a ballet bun in 5-minutes or less

Sewing Elastic to Ballet Slippers

How to attach the elastic straps to ballet slippers

(Pre Ballet II and under)

Ribbons to Slippers

How to attach ribbons to your ballet slippers

(Level I and up)

Sewing Elastic to Ballet Slippers

How to attach the elastic straps to ballet slippers

(Pre Ballet II and under)

I am a dancer, and in the past I believe that I have suffered from shin splints due to the flooring that I was dancing on.  What type of flooring is used at North Ballet Academy?

North Ballet currently has Sprung Floors in all three studios. These were chosen in order to provide students with the safest dancing surface, providing not only energy absorption, but also friction to avoid slipping. The Sprung Floors are covered with a protective dance surface of Marley Flooring.  It is not uncommon for students to conclude that they are experiencing shin splints from improper flooring, as it is unfortunate that many local dance schools and teams do not provide proper flooring to their students.  However, medically known as medial tibial stress syndrome, shin splints often occur in athletes who have recently intensified or changed their training routines.  The muscles, tendons and bone tissue become overworked by changed or increased activity.  Therefore, in ballet schools with proper flooring, it is much more likely that a student is experiencing a shin splint due to the way in which they are executing and landing intensive movements, such as jumps, than for the floor to be the issue behind the injury.  

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